The Lord is my shepherd! Eric Panich, March 17, 2021September 2, 2021 A new sermon series just began for Alive International Congregation! It is a 3-week-sermon series from Psalm 23:1-6. I preached from v.1-3 on 3/14, Sunday, three days ago. Tom will preach from v.4-5 and then Tetsuya will do from v.6. I realized that David, the author of this psalm, knew that he was like a sheep. He knew that he was not just a sheep but the LORD’s sheep. David was the king of Israel who needed to shepherd his people at that time when he made this psalm. However, at the same time, he knew that he was like a sheep who needed to be shepherded by his God. Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep” (John 10:11). We need Jesus as our shepherd who takes care of us daily in the Good News of Jesus. I hope that the AI congregation continues to grow as a congregation of Jesus in the Gospel of Jesus! Uncategorized