What are we doing? English Conversation Club at my house Blessing Community Ministries English Conversation Club at “Yuji’s house“English Conversation Club for kidsĀ in our Neighborhood at “Yuji’s house“International Fellowship Club at a restaurant “in a big shopping mall” Bridge MinistriesEnglish Conversation Club at “Tokyo Station” for returnees from CanadaPastoring & Preaching MinistriesAlive International (AI) congregation Pastoring, translating, preaching in English or in Japanese as one of the leadership team membersGuiding the small groups as the point person Church Planting MinistriesPlanting an AI daughter church out of AI with MTW Japan Chiba Team in the future Education MinistriesCovenant Community School International Sports Day 2019 of Covenant Community School International (Sept.28, 2019) Shopping Mall Ministry: Creating International Fellowship at a restaurant in the mall Yuji Preaches in English for Alive International Congregation